Certain techniques used at the time our Company was founded may appear to be rather outdated today. Nevertheless, in the spring of 1887, the world already recognized the industrial genius of this valley. When the waters of the nearby creek supplied our factory with power, the Piguet Brothers cut rubies for the most demanding watchmakers. In order to solve a problem for a client, they developed and designed many of the machines themselves, like we continue to do today.
In the ’50s, after several decades devoted almost exclusively to ruby gemstones, the factory was modernized and began to supply microtechnical solutions to new, non-watchmaking clients. This era allowed Piguet Frères to nurture partnerships with major clients whose patronage would boost on-going development. In the 1980s the current generation took over and new machines were installed to improve production.
Finally, the ’90s saw a complete retrofit of and successive additions to the existing premises. The expanded and updated facilities also accommodated new machinery of very high precision. In the course of time, collaboration with our clients evolved to become even closer and more rewarding. Sales continued to rise, no doubt stimulated by the effects of a job well done which characterizes our Company.
Appear in Albert Piguet's memorial, Napoleon III is not by far yet emperor of France, the American Civil War in the United States is not even possible, while in Switzerland, Sonderbund will happen only 5 years later. In the streets of "le Brassus" in the "Vallée de Joux", people move with foot and one can see sometimes a horse drawing in a cart some bags from grain, some bundles of hay or then some case of parts in ruby... Piguet Frères's factory will be built only in 1887, as this extract of Albert Piguet's memorials attests it:
Albert Piguet's memorials
It is Albert Piguet and his brother Edouard, sons of Ernest (1834-1903) and grandsons of David Henri (1810-1879), who founded Piguet Frères’s factory in 1887. Albert’s memorials recalls not only the great events of the company, but also those of the Piguet family and the historical and political context of the time.